The holidays are upon us and if you’re hosting, we know how busy you are preparing for your guests! Accommodating all family, neighbors, and friends is sometimes difficult to plan for, but the 101 Mobility team is here to help. Stair lift rentals are a popular choice during the holiday season, as they assist users up and down the stairs with ease, therefore reducing strain while moving about your home. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions about stair lift rentals so you can get the information you need:
Q: What kinds of stair lifts can I rent?
A: Any straight rail stair lift can be rented. Unfortunately, curved rail stair lifts cannot be rented because they are custom-made to match a stairway’s specific measurements. Depending on your location, additional features such as a power seat, folding rail, or footrest may be available.
Q: Is there a minimum or maximum amount of time to rent my stair lift?
A: 30 days is normally the minimum amount of time for a stair lift rental. If it is needed for a shorter time period, you will likely be billed for the full month. However, 101 Mobility offers a rent-to-own option with our rental program. Over time, it may be beneficial for you to convert your stair lift rental into a purchase.
Q: Is there a payment plan?
A: Yes, but it depends on which 101 Mobility location is working with you. Click here to find your local store and a representative will assist you with your options.
Q: What happens when I don’t need my rental anymore?
A: Call the 101 Mobility location that installed your stair lift rental and a team of factory certified service technicians will schedule an appointment to remove the device. Stair lift removals are usually done in less than two hours.
Q: When you remove the stair lift, does it leave any marks on my home?
A: Sometimes. For a short-term stair lift rental on the carpet, chances are you will never know the lift was there. On long-term rentals, the ‘feet’ of the lift can leave impressions on the carpet—the same way furniture does over time. For an installation on hardwood floors, a client may have between 16 and 20 holes in the stairs for a 16-foot rail. These holes can easily be filled with putty, re-sanded, and painted, but this could be costly. Our team of factory-certified service technicians recommends placing a carpet runner on the stairs to cover it.
Q: Anything else I should know?
A: One key thing to remember is that all stair lifts have to be plugged in so they can charge and operate. For permanent stair lift installations, we neatly tack the wire along the baseboards and run it to the closest outlet. If there is no outlet in place, we have one installed. This isn’t feasible for a stair lift rental, so if necessary, we run a small extension cord to the closest outlet.
If you still have questions, call our team at (888) 258-0652. We are always happy to assist you!
For more tips on being the “Hostess with the Mostess” this season, check out this blog post.
From all of us at 101 Mobility, have a wonderful holiday season!